My Family,
It sounds as though all is going well, besides a drowned garden. Thank goodness that is not our only source of food and that we are in store for a hungry winter. Count our blessings even if we have to use an umbrella. Sounds like there will be some recovery with a second planting. Good luck.
Well it has been a busy week yet again. We had Zone Conference on Friday out west and it was just fantastic. I am not sure what it is about the West side of the mission but it is always a great meeting. Always top notch. Elder Steed and I were in charge of the District Leader training and it really went well. We spent the night previous looking at the batch of District Leaders that would be with us the next day and tailor the training to them 2 of the 3 DLT Meetings that we had went fantastic and the other was riddled with District Leaders showing up late and a lack of participation. Well, you win some, you lose some. I sure enjoyed the opportunity to do a little training as always. Then Zone Conference was the Powerpoint Presentation that Elders Miller (when he was here), Steed and Myself have worked on for nearly 4 months. President Christison wanted to review and re-teach the topics of his last 25 rounds of zone conferences. It was really a powerful Conference as President and Sister Christison shared with those that were newer and reminisced with those of us a little more seasoned those things that have helped us as a mission to improve and grow. We had zone conference Monday and Tuesday as well and I sure loved having the chance to attend 3 times. It is amazing how you can learn something new even though it is the 3rd time you have seen the presentation and you were the one that put it together.
President wanted to hear testimony from each missionary so the last hour and a half of zone conference we heard 60 sec or less testimonies of Jesus Christ. After each testimony President and Sister Christison would hug each missionary as this would be the last time most of these missionaries would see them, at least for a while. Elder Steed and I obviously took advantage of the opportunity to steal 3 hugs from the Christisons, one at each conference. It was a great meeting and definitely gave each missionary the chance to have closure and the ability to be prepared for the transition of a President.
Well I know it is short but I best be going.
I am so grateful for all of you and your support. I am so thankful for the blessing in my life to be on a mission and the chance I have had to build and strengthen my testimony and the testimonies of others. I love Jesus Christ. It is unbelievable, or more appropriately, incredible to me what he has done and his love for me and his obvious love for all of God's Children.
Thanks again.
I love you
Elder Forsyth
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