May 12, 2010
Dear Mom,
Happy Mother's Day. I sure loved getting to chat with you and the family on Sunday. I will be completely honest, I was not very excited for the phone call the weeks previous to it. Luckily I have the opportunity to pick the brain of my Mission President and Mission Mom. They sure are amazing at getting me excited for anything, and no exception with preparing for the phone call. I came for the phone call with stories to share and questions to ask and aside from the call being a few minutes late I loved it. I missed getting to chat with the throngs of siblings and nephews and nieces that have filled the Forsyth home during the calls of the past. There is always so much growth that can be heard in each child's voice. On the other hand it was fantastic to get to talk in greater depth with the few people that were present for the call. Now at this point everyone is wondering why you get the letter addressed to you and it is because 1. Mothers day 2. I love you and 3. I was just sad to see the time fly by and barely get to talk with you. So I guess you can share this letter with everyone else considering I won't write another this week, but I have just wished I could have chatted with you more so here it is.
This week has been just full of highlights and somelights and great things. Some of the key ingredients of the great week were the phone call, a bunch of great lessons and interviews with President. We have already had 3 lessons this week (I know that doesn't sound like much but it is awesome for us!) and they were all with investigators and during all 3 lessons we left an invite to be baptized. The first great lesson was with Webber Family. They are a part member family that is less active. We have been teaching them for a little bit now and we had a fantastic lesson with Jackie the non member wife. We taught in great detail about the Book Of Mormon and its weight in knowing the truthfulness of the restoration. Much to our delight she had been reading from the Book Of Mormon and was really enjoying it. It will be fun to watch her continue in spiritual growth. They really need to come to church and feel the spirit that is there. I know that once they come they will really thirst and hunger after that spirit.
On Tuesday we taught An Hyunh who is a Vietnamese gentleman who we have taught once before. We set up the lesson and dropped by while it was quite chilly, he isn't comfortable with us coming in his home for whatever reason so we sat on the porch and taught about the Plan of Salvation. As we taught about Agency and the Fall of Adam and Eve he asked "What about the people that choose bad, that know and do bad? Will they return to live with God?" So we had a great discussion about the Gospel and what we need to do to be saved. Faith in Christ, Repentance and Baptism, and Enduring to the end. We shared how we wanted him to have those same blessings that we have had since our Baptism and invited him to make that sacred covenant. He said that he needed to read more and pray to get an answer like Joseph Smith. We asked how his reading of the pamphlet went and he taught us the Restoration in about a minute, so apparently it went well. When we inquired about his Book of Mormon reading he told us that "it is like darkness and cold all around and then I read and there is light, I can see, It is warm, the darkness is gone." He is fantastic and so in tune with our Father in Heaven.
We also taught Mike and Rochelle and that was a great lesson as we read 2 Nephi 31 and they both really grasped the path of the Gospel and the steps that need to be taken. They have both been baptized Catholic, so we had an opportunity to go over authority in great detail and gave them an invitation to follow the example of Christ and be baptized by Authority. They both said that they needed to keep reading and praying and wait for what God tells them. Sounds good to me.
Well those are the great blessings of the week. We head out west tomorrow morning at 6. We travel to Montrose and do interviews with President there (we are going because we are training each zone on teaching members lessons/helping members fulfill missionary responsibilities) tomorrow and then Friday and Saturday we have both Grand Junction Zones and then we will do Stake conference in Junction and have interviews in meeker on Monday. Crazy fun
I love you mom. The phone call was too short, I wish I could have had
40 minutes just to chat with you and fell your love. Something that I
want to do the first week I am home is spend an evening one on one to
chat with you and grab as much counsel and guidance from you as I can
and get to share some of my experiences that I have loved. Mom, set
aside a night. That will be my mothers day present to you. I love you!
Thanks for your positive support and for picking a good husband and for raising such good kids. I have been so blessed to be in this great family. I love you!!!
Elder Forsyth
What a good kid, I want to be his mom.
Posted by: T-Bites | 05/16/2010 at 07:43 PM